“When God determines to do a great work, He first sets His people to pray.”
Charles Spurgeon
Let us know you are praying. Sign up as a prayer warrior.

Prayer Requests
Summer Staff
Pray that God would lead and direct Godly workers to invest in the lives of these campers.
Pray that people will continue to be excited to give financially to meet the camp’s needs. We are very thankful for those who give as we would not be able to have a camp without it. We are also hoping to move a mobile home onto the site this spring.
Pray for wisdom and unity as we plan and prepare for this upcoming summer. With much to be done pray that the body of Christ will come together as one unit.
The Gospel
We want the gospel to permeate all that we do. Pray for the staff that they would have a strong desire for the word of God and to see campers come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Pray that the campers would be receptive of the gospel and enter into a living relationship with Jesus Christ.
Contact Jon McComish at jonmccomish@gmail.com if you want more specif prayer request or if you have questions.